Thread Safe Datastore ExampleΒΆ

import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from import BaseModbusDataBlock

class ContextWrapper(object):
    ''' This is a simple wrapper around enter
    and exit functions that conforms to the pyhton
    context manager protocol:

    with ContextWrapper(enter, leave):

    def __init__(self, enter=None, leave=None, factory=None):
        self._enter = enter
        self._leave = leave
        self._factory = factory

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.enter: self._enter()
        return self if not self._factory else self._factory()

    def __exit__(self, args):
        if self._leave: self._leave()

class ReadWriteLock(object):
    ''' This reader writer lock gurantees write order, but not
    read order and is generally biased towards allowing writes
    if they are available to prevent starvation.


    * allow user to choose between read/write/random biasing
    - currently write biased
    - read biased allow N readers in queue
    - random is 50/50 choice of next

    def __init__(self):
        ''' Initializes a new instance of the ReadWriteLock
        self.queue   = []                                  # the current writer queue
        self.lock    = threading.Lock()                    # the underlying condition lock
        self.read_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock) # the single reader condition
        self.readers = 0                                   # the number of current readers
        self.writer  = False                               # is there a current writer

    def __is_pending_writer(self):
        return (self.writer                                # if there is a current writer
            or (self.queue                                 # or if there is a waiting writer
           and (self.queue[0] != self.read_condition)))    # or if the queue head is not a reader

    def acquire_reader(self):
        ''' Notifies the lock that a new reader is requesting
        the underlying resource.
        with self.lock:
            if self.__is_pending_writer():                 # if there are existing writers waiting
                if self.read_condition not in self.queue:  # do not pollute the queue with readers
                    self.queue.append(self.read_condition) # add the readers in line for the queue
                while self.__is_pending_writer():          # until the current writer is finished
                    self.read_condition.wait(1)            # wait on our condition
                if self.queue and self.read_condition == self.queue[0]: # if the read condition is at the queue head
                    self.queue.pop(0)                      # then go ahead and remove it
            self.readers += 1                              # update the current number of readers

    def acquire_writer(self):
        ''' Notifies the lock that a new writer is requesting
        the underlying resource.
        with self.lock:
            if self.writer or self.readers:                # if we need to wait on a writer or readers
                condition = threading.Condition(self.lock) # create a condition just for this writer
                self.queue.append(condition)               # and put it on the waiting queue
                while self.writer or self.readers:         # until the write lock is free
                    condition.wait(1)                      # wait on our condition
                self.queue.pop(0)                          # remove our condition after our condition is met
            self.writer = True                             # stop other writers from operating

    def release_reader(self):
        ''' Notifies the lock that an existing reader is
        finished with the underlying resource.
        with self.lock:
            self.readers = max(0, self.readers - 1)        # readers should never go below 0
            if not self.readers and self.queue:            # if there are no active readers
                self.queue[0].notify_all()                 # then notify any waiting writers

    def release_writer(self):
        ''' Notifies the lock that an existing writer is
        finished with the underlying resource.
        with self.lock:
            self.writer = False                            # give up current writing handle
            if self.queue:                                 # if someone is waiting in the queue
                self.queue[0].notify_all()                 # wake them up first
            else: self.read_condition.notify_all()         # otherwise wake up all possible readers

    def get_reader_lock(self):
        ''' Wrap some code with a reader lock using the
        python context manager protocol::

            with rwlock.get_reader_lock():
            yield self
        finally: self.release_reader()

    def get_writer_lock(self):
        ''' Wrap some code with a writer lock using the
        python context manager protocol::

            with rwlock.get_writer_lock():
            yield self
        finally: self.release_writer()

class ThreadSafeDataBlock(BaseModbusDataBlock):
    ''' This is a simple decorator for a data block. This allows
    a user to inject an existing data block which can then be
    safely operated on from multiple cocurrent threads.

    It should be noted that the choice was made to lock around the
    datablock instead of the manager as there is less source of 
    contention (writes can occur to slave 0x01 while reads can
    occur to slave 0x02).

    def __init__(self, block):
        ''' Initialize a new thread safe decorator

        :param block: The block to decorate
        self.rwlock = ReadWriteLock()
        self.block  = block

    def validate(self, address, count=1):
        ''' Checks to see if the request is in range

        :param address: The starting address
        :param count: The number of values to test for
        :returns: True if the request in within range, False otherwise
        with self.rwlock.get_reader_lock():
            return self.block.validate(address, count)

    def getValues(self, address, count=1):
        ''' Returns the requested values of the datastore

        :param address: The starting address
        :param count: The number of values to retrieve
        :returns: The requested values from a:a+c
        with self.rwlock.get_reader_lock():
            return self.block.getValues(address, count)
    def setValues(self, address, values):
        ''' Sets the requested values of the datastore

        :param address: The starting address
        :param values: The new values to be set
        with self.rwlock.get_writer_lock():
            return self.block.setValues(address, values)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    class AtomicCounter(object):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.counter = kwargs.get('start', 0)
            self.finish  = kwargs.get('finish', 1000)
            self.lock    = threading.Lock()

        def increment(self, count=1):
            with self.lock:
                self.counter += count

        def is_running(self):
            return self.counter <= self.finish

    locker = ReadWriteLock()
    readers, writers = AtomicCounter(), AtomicCounter()

    def read():
        while writers.is_running() and readers.is_running():
            with locker.get_reader_lock():

    def write():
        while writers.is_running() and readers.is_running():
            with locker.get_writer_lock():

    rthreads = [threading.Thread(target=read)  for i in range(50)]
    wthreads = [threading.Thread(target=write) for i in range(2)]
    for t in rthreads + wthreads: t.start()
    for t in rthreads + wthreads: t.join()
    print "readers[%d] writers[%d]" % (readers.counter, writers.counter)